£40 green bin charge to continue under Tory leadership of Rugby Council
At the Full Council meeting on Tuesday 27 February 2018 to set the Budget for 2018/19 the Conservative administration who run Rugby Borough Council have again voted to charge residents £40 a year for a green bin. Rugby Liberal Democrats remain opposed to the green bin charge and continue to propose alternative solutions.
The amendment to the Budget from Rugby Liberal Democrats included a £75,000 saving through introducing a kerbside collection of domestic waste to approximately 1,000 rural properties who currently receiving a door-step collection.
Rugby Liberal Democrats believe that the Council should move to 'all out' Borough Council elections every four years. If adopted, this measure would provide an annual saving of £50,000.
We also want a review, undertaken by a cross-party task group, into the Special Expenses system which means that Rugby town residents are paying more Council Tax when residents in the Parish areas pay less.
Commenting, Rugby Lib Dem's Group Leader, Councillor Jerry Roodhouse, said:
"The Conservatives are playing fast and loose with the Council's finances. They are not showing the financial responsibility needed to set us in the right path for the years ahead. Last year we were told that the Council is an old car running out of road, but despite constraints on financial budgets due to central Government cuts, there are no signs of financial planning for the future under the Tories. Big decisions are needed because we are on the edge."