Direct Debit Could Make Green Bin Charge Easier
At a recent full meeting of Rugby Borough Council, Paddox Ward Councillor Noreen New raised the issue of having a direct debit system for paying the green bin charge.
Councillor New raised the issue with the Portfolio Holder for the Environment and Public Realm after receiving several complaints regarding the time it takes to get through on the phones and the length of time it takes to get a sticker. Having a direct debit payment option would help to alleviate this problem.
The Portfolio holder replied saying, "Under the current chargeable green waste scheme, an annual direct debit would require the addition of two new processes, one of which adds difficulty for the Council and one of which adds difficulty for the customer."
The feasibility of an annual direct debit scheme will be reviewed prior to the launch of the 2019/20 chargeable green waste scheme.
Rugby Liberal Democrat Councillors voted against the introduction of the green bin charge in February 2017, a move that recommends only garden waste is collected and not food waste, as the service previously provided. Rugby Liberal Democrats tabled a motion which would have seen the green waste collection service continue for everyone for another 12 months whilst a solution was found for the sustainability and longevity of the service.
Commenting, Councillor Noreen New, said:
"I'm pleased that a direct debit scheme will be considered when there is a review on collecting green bin payments, however, this should have been thought about long before the introduction of the green bin charge. Residents pay Council Tax through direct debit, so it would make sense to have a co-ordinated approach. This issue was one of major concern for residents during the local election campaign and the Council needs to listen and act accordingly."
Minutes from Full Council on 24 April 2018
Rugby Lib Dems vote against Green Bin Charge