Fly-tipping in Rokeby & Overslade reported
Local Liberal Democrat Councillors and campaigners in Rokeby and Oversalde have reported fly-tipping near Saunton Road.
There was a very large pile of filled black sacks and other litter and rubbish which had been dumped in the undergrowth on a green open space between Saunton Road and Wentworth Road.
Local representatives contacted Rugby Borough Council and asked them to clear the fly-tipping.
In November 2018, Lib Dem Cllr Tim Douglas (Paddox) submitted a written question to the Joint Overview and Scrutiny. The response detailed that in 2015 there were 1,033 fly tipping incidents, 1,066 in 2016, 1,085 in 2017 and 1,118 in 2018.
To report fly-tipping ring the Council on 01788 533533 and say you want to report fly-tipping or visit