Greater scrutiny needed before Council-led lottery is introduced
Rugby Liberal Democrats have tabled an amendment to proposals to introduce a Council-led lottery for Rugby to ensure that greater scrutiny takes place before the scheme is given the go ahead.
On 4 December 2017 the Cabinet of Rugby Borough Council considered a report concerning a potential council-led lottery for Rugby to help support the local community and voluntary sector. The indicative start-up costs for launching a council led lottery for Rugby would be in the region of £8,000 with on-going annual costs likely to be £10,000.
The amendment would ensure that the relevant Portfolio Holder and the Head of Communities and Homes must present the business case to scrutiny prior to any launch of a Rugby Borough Council led lottery. The original recommendation just delegates the decision to Council Officers.
The issue will be discussed and voted on at a Full Council meeting on Thursday 14 December 2017. The amendment is proposed by Councillor Jerry Roodhouse (Paddox) and Seconded by Councillor Neil Sandison (Eastlands).
The amendment:
It be recommended to Council that delegated authority be given to the Head of Communities and Homes to
- progress with due diligence works required to develop a robust business case for a Rugby Borough Council led lottery; and
Delete second bullet and replace
- That the Portfolio Holder and Head of Communities and Homes presents the business case to scrutiny prior to any launch of a Rugby Borough Council led lottery.
Cabinet Papers from 4 December 2017