Young people urged to have their say on impact of social media
Rugby Liberal Democrats are encouraging people aged between 10 and 18 years old in Warwickshire to complete a survey to help gather views about the impact of social media on young people's health and wellbeing.
Warwickshire County Council, Public Health have launched a short online survey to provide young people with the chance to have their say on the impact that social media is having on their health and wellbeing.
Most young people aged 10-18 years old are using social media. Recently there has been research which explores this nationally and highlights both the positive and negative effects on health and wellbeing.
Understanding young peoples' experiences will enable Warwickshire County Council to make comparison with the national findings and will inform the next Director of Public Health annual report.
The information will also help to make recommendations to provide information, guidance and support to young people, professionals, parents/carers.
The survey can be completed here:
The survey closes on 29 March 2018.