1 in 5 wait over 12hours at UHCW

Cllr Sam Edwards along with others attended On 26th October at 11am the people of Rugby who turned out in their hundreds to march peacefully for St Cross Hospital. It was well marshalled. According to local social media the event was organised by Thomas Crinigan. Speakers included Dave Nellist, Maggie O’Rourke, Neil Sandison. A nurse’s statement from Hoskyn ward was also read out. The march went from Whitehall Recreation Park, Whitehall Road, Clifton Road, Church Street, North Street, into Caldecott Park.
Liberal Democrats have already called for this issue to be reviewed by Warwickshire County Councils Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee a statutory body that can call in such bodies as UHCW as reported 16th October https://www.rugbylibdems.org.uk/news/article/st-cross
We need local health services that are accessible for local residents. The local health system is complex and bureaucratic. UHCW sits in Coventry and under its wing is St Cross. Rugby residents need to see greater benefits. The Borough is expanding, and our population is getting older. Rugby patients experience longer waits for treatment with 1 in 5 22.7% Rugby patients waiting over 12 hours (July figs sourced emergency care data set)
We need to see action on urgent care treatment Cllr Jerry Roodhouse will be raising Rugby at the Integrated Urgent Care review in November along with seeing increased facilities such as health on the high street and pharmacy provision.
A motion will be presented to Rugby Borough Council as well, by Cllr Neil Sandison & Tricia Trimble
The Liberal Democrats will continue to campaign for more services at St Cross Hospital and call on all political groups to work together.