Your team
Our People
Working hard all the year round
Rugby Liberal Democrats believe in the following. To keep you informed all the year round with our Focus Newsletters. To listen, voice and champion your concerns where it matters To work for you on local issues that matter all the year round not just at election time. Be an Active, Caring, Effective campaigners for the community

Standing up for our communities
We are committed to the princple that individuals matter and where you live is important. Listening to concerns, being active and fighting hard for the communities in Rugby is our touchstone.
A Fairer,Caring,Greener Rugby delivered by Active,Caring,Effective Campaigners

Our Team
Liberal Democrat Councillors & Campaigers Bilton Stephen Pimm Dunsmore Jonathan Bennett Eastlands Cllrs Sam Edwards, Neil Sandison, Sue Roodhouse Paddox Cllrs Tim Douglas, Noreen New, Jerry Roodhouse Rokeby & Overslade Cllrs Isabelle McKenzie,Carie-Anne Dumbleton, Bill Lewis