After 1,176 conversations Marion Nash tells us why she is standing for Rokeby & Overslade
So far this year Marion Nash has spoken to 1,176 residents of Rokeby & Overslade ward. She says "I am often asked on the doorstep why I want to do this. I want to make a difference with my life and I can see that I can do that for Rokeby & Overslade. I have the skills, determination, experience and passion for working with the local community to make a difference. I was so pleased when Bill Lewis chose me to work alongside him".
Marion continued "I have had just the best time meeting so many different people in the ward in the past few months. The diverse community presents so many different challenges and I hope the electorate will give me the opportunity to address them. If you like the work Bill Lewis does then vote me in too and you'll get double that done around the ward. There are many burning issues we are already working on but I could do so much more as your councillor".