'Come and Say Hello' to your Cllrs in Rokeby & Overslade
Carie-Anne Dumbleton, one of the local Rugby Borough Councillors for Rokeby and Overslade, regularly takes part in 'walkabouts' within her local area. She said, 'I feel that just simply walking and looking in and around the area, chatting to local residents face to face, I'm getting to the heart of local issues, these can range from peoples concerns with an upgrage to the local childrens' parks to the problem of dog fouling on our streets.'
Carie-Anne contiuned, 'Come and say hello, when you see me and my fellow Borough Councillors Bill Lewis and Marion Nash, we are always happy to have a good chat.'
Contact Details for your Rugby Borough Rokeby and Overslad Councillors are:
Cllr. Carie-Anne Dumbleton
Telephone: 07886 520918 Email: carie-anne.dumbleton@rugby.gov.uk
Cllr. Bill Lewis
Telephone: 01788 815452 Email: bill.lewis@rugby.gov.uk
Cllr. Marion Nash
Telephone: 07710 624867 Email: marion.nash@rugby.gov.uk