Consultation on the policing budget launches
Warwickshire's Police and Crime Commissioner has launched his annual consultation on the policing budget, asking the public for their feedback on how best to meet the challenges facing police in the county.
The Commissioner wants to hear views on where the public feels some of the main priorities for spending should be placed, as he sets the finances for Warwickshire Police for 2022/23.
The consultation comes as the Government has confirmed funding is in place to support the continued recruitment of new police officers, which will see Warwickshire Police reach its highest ever total of 1,100 by the end of 2022.
Aside from the core central grant from Government, just under half of the police budget is made up from Council Tax contributions, through the Police Precept.
In its settlement announcement, the Government gave Police and Crime Commissioners the flexibility to increase the Police Precept by up to £10 a year on an average Band D property - around 83 pence per month. The majority of homes across the county would pay proportionately less as they fall in lower bands, while those in higher bands would pay proportionately more. This equates to a percentage increase of 3.95% and would raise around £500,000 more than a standstill budget.
You can take the 'Your Police, Your Views' budget consultation at