Damaged Utility Meter Cabinets - The Campaign Continues
Since April 2012 Bill Lewis has been urging Rugby's Housing Department to act to make safe all of their tenants' damaged gas and electricity meter cabinets, such as that pictured. Up to a few weeks ago they would accept no responsibility for repairs.
In October 2013 Bill was informed that in certain circumstances the Housing Department, in conjunction with the energy suppliers, would repair damaged meter cabinets which were deemed to constitute an imminent danger risk. However, it is up to the tenants to report any problem with their own meter cabinets. Council tenants who have already reported their damaged cabinets before this change of heart will have to do so again. So if you are a Council tenant and you have concerns about a damage cabinet you should report it to the Housing Repairs Team on 01788 533888 or by writing to or calling at reception in the Town Hall. Someone from the Housing Department will visit and assess the situation, taking what advice they need from the relevant specialist, in order to decide whether there is a danger and repairs are required.
If you report a damaged meter cabinet, please let Bill Lewis know how you get on. Remember, if you think you have a gas leak in your home, or nearby, you must contact National Grid immediately on 0800 111 999.