Digital Gap

This motion below was agreed by all Rugby Council members.moved by Cllr Sam edwards
This Council notes that there is in an ever-increasing use and reliance for services including payment using smart phones, Apps, car parking and other digital devices as well as the increase in chat bots (artificial intelligence).
Whilst it is recognised that the use of technology has bought benefits to sectors of the community it has also driven a growing digital divide.
The Digital Poverty Alliance defines digital poverty as the inability to interact with the online world fully, when, where, and how an individual needs to
The Good Things Foundation also state that a lack of digital skills and access can have a huge negative impact on a person's life, leading to poorer health outcomes and a lower life expectancy, increased loneliness and social isolation, less access to jobs and education.
Council requests that a small task & finish group scrutinise how Rugby Borough Council ensures that no discrimination is taking place this should include all services including the Queens Diamond Jubilee Centre. The Scrutiny report should be reported back to full Council by the new year as to the outcome of the review and its recommendations.
NOTE Research for the UK digital strategy suggests that there are a number of important barriers, and more than one may affect individuals at any one time.
They are:
- access - not everyone has the ability to connect to the internet and go online.
- skills - not everyone has the ability to use the internet and online services.
- confidence - some people fear online crime, lack trust or don’t know where to start online.
- motivation - not everyone sees why using the internet could be relevant and helpful.