Future of Rugby

Rugby Borough Council meeting this Wednesday 25th October.
Cllr Jerry Roodhouse, " this Council meeting has some important issues from the future direction of the Council, local plan issues and options along with our motion on knife crime. Liberal Democrats have engaged in these matters and brought forward our ideas and proposals. Rugby is stronger when united and working together. The report on the town centre demonstates this"
Big issues to debate, Liberal Democrats have engaged and worked across the polittical spectrum for a better deal and fought for changes on such items as
Corporate delivery plan, getting tougher on Climate Change, Cohesive Community's with better Engagement. Liberal Democrats presented an it priorities to Council see our doc and amendments in red here
The Options & Issues about the future delopment of Rugby
Motion on knive Crime moved by Cllr Neil Sandiosion
Council Agenda is here
All set aginst the backdrop of the announcement of weekly food collection by the Government but nothing said about the extra funding needed. The UK wastes around 9.5 million tons each year
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