Hillmorton Liberal Democrats object to Kilsby Lane development
Councillors and campaigners representing the Liberal Democrats in the Hillmorton area have submitted their objections to Rugby Borough Council against a proposal to build up to 130 houses on land on the east side of Kilsby Lane.
The proposed development is for 'Outline planning permission for the erection of up to 130 dwelling houses, including vehicular access from Kilsby Lane, open space, landscaping, surface attenuation pond, pedestrian and cycle links to Crick Road together with associated works (all matters reserved with the exception of access (in part) from Kilsby Lane).'
Commenting, Councillor Tim Douglas who represents Paddox Ward, said:
"For many years residents on Crick Road have expressed concerns about speeding and access to and from their homes due to traffic volumes from DIRFT. This development would do nothing to improve the situation with no significant road improvements proposed. The site is also near to the Rainsbrook Valley and would set a dangerous precedent for future development in the area."
Notes to Editors
Planning application reference R15/1366