Knive Amnesty Needed

Getting Rambo Knives out of our parks and roads in Rugby. Following a very successful community safety event at The Pleasance in Church Street Rugby (opposite the Squirrel)
Cllr Neil Sandison is calling for a knife amnesty to in Rugby.
He stated “ I was shown 2 discovered weapons which are designed to kill, maim and disfigure and are known as Rambo knives. Increase in violent crime has seen increases of knives” Cllr Sandison also said, “we do seem to have a knife problem in Rugby that needs to be resolved.”
Our regulatory and safety team at the Council along with Rugby Police are tackling this issue. The recent report presented to Warwickshire Council 26th September highlighted violent crime.
Cllr Sandison along with Cllr Noreen New want to strengthen the work already going on and are calling for a knife amnesty to get the blades off the streets.
Cllr Noreen New Paddox added “people do not appreciate how serious an offence carrying a knife is, recent court convictions have ranged from 2 years’ probation for possession to 19 years for aggravated assault we must educate people of the consequences knife carrying and the length of potential custodial sentence they could get if caught in possession of one of these deadly blades