Local Champions Needed

As Liberal Democrat councillors we are proud to serve our communities and set high standards for ourselves. We are part of shaping the future of our communities. We also are hugely important in supporting and upholding the principles of local democracy in action.
Local government is undergoing huge changes and challenges. It is more important than ever that we have local champions to remind everyone that local government is there for local people. Representing local people and campaigning with them is what we do best. You may already be a campaigner, community activist, involved in your local church or mosque, or a local school governor. You might help delivering leaflets or organising events. If so, you already have a great basis for taking up public office and becoming a Lib Dem councillor. But ultimately, if you really care about your area, and want work to make it the best place it can be, becoming a Lib Dem councillor could be for you.
To find out more contact us freepost Rugby Lib Dems or email info@rugbylibdems.org.uk
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