Local elections 2023 - Build a fairer society starting here in Rugby

This year's local elections on Thursday 4 May 2023 for Rugby Borough Council sees Rugby Liberal Democrats fielding the largest group of candidates than it has for some time demonstrating it is a growing force locally in Rugby.
Rugby Liberal Democrats want to see a Fairer, Caring, Greener Council listening and giving a voice to those who are often overlooked.
- Liberal Democrats want to ensure the voices of individuals are heard above the cacophony of noise. We will work with GPs in service delivery seeking to reduce the pressure on emergency services and prevent the 12 hour waits for medical attention witnessed here in Rugby. Fighting for greater emergency care at St Cross hospital.
- Young people matter - we will invest into a local youth and mental health services because our next generation deserves better. Working with the Police and other agencies, we will invest and support local community led initiatives.
- Liberal Democrats want to see sustainable modes of transport. We campaign to see the end of windy bus stops in North Street, with wider pavements and a viable bus and coach interchanges with off road cycle routes which are destination led and not added on as an afterthought within the planning process.
- Liberal Democrats would invest more in renewable energy schemes especially in accommodation for the elderly and people with a disability, so the council will never again have to inflict 258% service charge increases on some of the most vulnerable residents in the borough.
- Liberal Democrats will continue to press for biodiversity gain especially with the reopening of a new local plan for Rugby. We will ensure planning puts resdients first and not developers profits. Our biodiversity matters because species rarely relocate successfully. We will always campaign for a cleaner, greener and safer environment and invest in a climate change hub in the town centre linked to health and wellbeing advice for residents.
We say more can be achieved in a positive way by working in partnership rather than by the megaphone politics and a blame cultures. Liberal Democrats have a reputation for successfully getting Councilors to co-operate and collaborate on projects it leads to better governance and delivers shared responsibilities.
Commenting, Rugby Lib Dem Group Leader, Cllr Jerry Roodhouse (Paddox) said:
"Every Liberal Democrat vote will go towards our priorities which we set out in our budget in February - young people matter, a greener Borough matters and working in genuine partnership matters.
"Rugby Borough Council is at a crossroads it can either stay stuck in a rut or have a fresh change for the good."