Priorities for Rugby

Liberal Democrat Priorities
With Rugby Borough Council in a no overall control situation Rugby Liberal Democrats have today published its priorities ahead of the Cabinet and Council meetings coming up in October.
The Leader of the Council called for political parties to work together for a better Rugby and that is exactly what local Lib Dems are doing.
Cllr Jerry Roodhouse Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group on the Council said.
“It is important that know what our priorities are. We are publishing this document in order to give clarity about our ambitions for Rugby. I am sure that by working together we can make Rugby an even better place than it is now. I hope that others will do the same and drop the party politics that stops us from delivering for residents”.
Key Issues
- Town Centre regeneration is a cross party working group Chaired by Cllr Jerry Roodhouse who is keen to see the pace quicken, and greater investment taking place.
- Climate adaptation along with having a Wellbeing Economy
- Healthy Communities improving local health services for our residents.
- Biodiversity and nature recovery new country park areas along with a sculpture trail and a literary Festival, safe places to talk are but a few of the items being proposed.
Our document lists out the projects that we believe the Council should concentrate on. link for the full copy.