Progressive Politics For Rugby

When 2 tribes go to war…..
May 2nd, Liberal Democrats called for a rainbow Cabinet of talents from all groups. This was roundly rejected by Labour and Conservatives. The political tribalism of both Labour and Conservatives is alive and kicking, with both sides saying they do not want to talk or work together. Not very helpful if we are to improve the town. Liberal Democrats want to build a bridge between these groups, based on our manifesto and key priorities.
Cllr Jerry Roodhouse Group Leader Rugby Liberal Democrats said following the elections “We will work in a progressive way for the good of Rugby residents. Change is needed now. More than ever our town needs regenerating; the Council needs a customer charter of standards; we need to adapt for our changing climate plus much more. I and my fellow Liberal Democrat Councillors are clear Rugby residents deserve better and we will work with others in a modern progressive way. We will conduct our local politics in a grown-up manner, because we all want the best for our Town & for our Borough.” By the time you read this edition of Focus things may have moved on.
Our Top 10,
- Town Centre Regeneration, full commitment to be jointly led on by at least 2 political parties, sort out Car Parking, provide more Festivals, review, and trial new market ideas.
- Customer Service Charter of standards so residents know what to expect a deal between the Council and residents; jointly led by at least 2 political parties.
- Greener & Increasing biodiversity support local groups, support the Rugby ECO Hub as a centre of excellence and learning. Adapting for climate Change. Lib Dem led working group.
- Local Plan Lib Dems will keep campaigning for change for a greener plan adapting for the future with a strong local Economic strategy Lib Dem led working group.
- Bring forward at least 2 new Country Parks, improving cycle and connector paths.
- A new Services Workforce & Performance Board to take forward the reworking and upgrading to a more efficient Council with modern up to date working environment. Jointly led by at least 2 political parties.
- Strengthening the code of conduct for Councillors, including appointing a Lib Dem Cllr Champion, thereby strengthening Audit & Ethics .
- New Scrutiny system to hold the Executive together with the Leader and Chief executive to account.
- A full spending review ensuring value for money.
- A Rugby Partnership Board bringing together the partners that help shape Rugby and the Borough, the Voluntary Sector, key statutory partners Police, NHS in one place. Integrating work in tackling inequalities. Led by a Lib Dem
The Liberal Democrast & Labour Agreement in Full Lib Lab
Our manifesto can be found at or email us.