Rugby College Site Planning Application Update
We are unhappy about some of the Transport and Highway proposals for this development for example three separate road junctions onto the site and no identified pedestrian or cycle route and no modification of existing speed humps that could lead to car "rat runs "on existing roads to avoid the humps.
Cllr. Sue Roodhouse said, "WCC Engineers held a site visit last year, they stated at that time that the removal of the two humps either side of Eastlands Road ought to be replaced with a junction table similar to that provided at the junctions of St Peters Road and Boundary Road, the hump east of Slade Road would be removed and replaced with a smaller hump with a longer plateau length. The advantage of this approach is that it maintains the distance between humps, which is integral in maintaining slow average speeds and thus safety."
The opportunity exists to redefine the scheme, if you wish to push for the above changes write or email to Karen McCulloch ( Rugby Borough Council Planning department, Town Hall, Evreux Way, CV21 2RR. (don't forget to quote Ref number R13/0124).