South West Rugby Design Code

Stephen Pimm attended a follow up to the South West Rugby Design Code workshop, which reported back what the workshops with Councilors, Parish Councilors, the local schools and an event he attended in June this year.
A lot of the issues raised were addressed, including the style of buildings, and how they will fit into the current environment. A few points of concern was the lack of fading into Alwyn road and Montague road, despite this being put in for the border of Cawston,the lack of the wildlife corridor on the plans displayed, which could be solved by running the corridor along Montague, and the timing of the GP surgery, which could take until 2030 to be built, which is a long wait for a GP appointment. Stephen raised the fact that the Bilton village surgery, should be utilised in the short to medium term to meet the increased demand but will need support and the agreement of the practice.