Standing Together

The Lib Dem group on Rugby Borough Council brought forward a motion to a full Council meeting 20th November concerning St Cross. Both Labour and Conservative members made amendments to the motion which were accepted allowing every Councillor to support the agreed motion
Cllr Jerry Roodhouse said
“Rugby Liberal Democrats stand committed to fight for a better deal for Rugby residents”
Notice of Motion – Hospital of St Cross This Council on 20 November 2024 considered and approved the following notice of motion:
“This Council welcomes improved service delivery of elective surgery at the Hospital of St Cross that should help reduce overall surgical waiting lists. Following a recent scrutiny task and finish group study into emergency health care it has become clear that good preventative social care can help reduce hospital admissions for those with long term conditions and affordable extra care provision can assist in the discharge and freeing up of beds much needed for urgent trauma patients helping to break the undignified and protracted spectacle of ambulance and corridor care.
We therefore call for this Council to:
- Explore opportunities for the retention of the façade of the 1884 extension through reviewing the Rugby School/Town Centre Conservation area in the emerging local plan;
- Progress the recent Cabinet decision on urgent care and place on record its disappointment at the recent announcement at the withdrawal of services at Hoskyn Ward without prior notice and write to the Chair and Trust Board Members of UHCW to express its disappointment about the process leading to the decision taken to close Hoskyn Ward. Given the lack of any consultation of reengagement with local stakeholders prior to the decision being taken, we urge the Chairman and Trust Board Members to urgently review their decision to close Hoskyn Ward. We believe a consultation process, in line with the ‘Gunning Principles’ should have been carried out prior to a decision being taken. If the Board is unwilling to review this decision, then this Council gives notice that it will refer the matter to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, asking him to intervene, given the lack of due process and a published impact assessment; and
- Request that a partnership feasibility study with UHCW and other care providers be undertaken on the future of St Cross, for example how the site could provide extra care residential provision and a supportive hub for those with long term conditions to better help patients manage their conditions.
Here are the Gunning principles are:
1. Consultation must take place when the proposal is still at a formative stage.
2.Sufficient reasons must be put forward for the proposal to allow for intelligent consideration and response.
3. Adequate time must be given for consideration and response.
4. The results of the consultation must be conscientiously taken into account.