Successful litter pick of Whinfield Rec
Councillors and campaigners from Rugby Liberal Democrats did a successful litter pick of Whinfield Recreation Ground and play area off Clifton Road on Sunday 22 October 2017.
Despite the breezy weather the area was given a good tidy up with ten bags of rubbish collected. A big thank you to everyone who helped including Cllrs Jerry Roodhouse, Neil Sandison, Sue Roodhouse, Bill Lewis and Marion Nash as well as local campaigners Hugh Trimble, Craig McQueen and Lee Chase. Thanks too for the cheerful comments the team received from residents as they picked litter.
Commenting, local campaigner Craig McQueen, said:
"The park is well used and myself and the team were pleased to do our bit to keep it clean, safe and tidy for the community."
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse, County Councillor for Eastlands, added:
"Parks and open spaces are vital community assets and need to be protected. Liberal Democrats enjoy getting our hands dirty to improve the local area and next week we will be taking action in Overslade."