Supplementary Planning Document must be amended and strengthened
Rugby Liberal Democrats will call for a delay in the adoption of the South West Rugby Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) at full Council on Thursday 17 June 2021 to rethink how we can better protect our environment and green spaces.
The proposed SPD will lead to urbanisation not seen in Rugby for years with the potential loss of biodiversity, trees, and green spaces.
Liberal Democrats Councillors have brought forward six key points that need to be addressed. These include guaranteeing a 30-metre buffer zone to safeguard biodiversity along with adopting the latest National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) rules with tree lined streets.
Commenting, Group Leader, Cllr Jerry Roodhouse (Paddox), says:
"If this SPD is adopted, we will see poor development that is not future proofed with more tarmac and concrete creeping urbanisation."
Cllr Neil Sandison (Eastlands) added:
"The SPD must be strengthened to produce a sustainable and biodiverse environment that is more viable for wildlife and residents."
Liberal Democrats Amendment:
The South West Rugby Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) should be amended and strengthened before being adopted as follows and in recognition of the proposed changes to the NPPF following the Government's response to Building Better Building Beautiful Commission's report entitled "Living with Beauty" and also recognising that this Council has already declared a Climate Change Emergency,
- The buffer for ancient woodland is increased to ensure full protection by a minimum of 30 meters as agreed by Rugby Borough Council local plan draft publication in 2016.
- Biodiversity needs to expand to ensure South West Rugby meets and delivers on biodiversity gain whilst providing a sustainable boundary and buffer zone to all existing settlements to ensure that over intensive urbanisation does not occur and that there is a viable countryside parkland within the overall development of South West Rugby.
- The plans as presented should identify and include the early delivery of an integrated cycle network that connects to key destinations and to the town centre to ensure a shift to walking and cycling. (Note as was done for the Coton East SPD).
- Infrastructure for health and community wellbeing should be strengthened and delivered early in the SPD, and certainly no later than 2026, this to include health facilities to meet the demand.
- Parking standards need to fully reflect modern vehicles size to ensure that pavements are left free for pedestrians and are not used for car parking.
- All new builds should be to a "Building for Life" standard including renewable energy and electric car charging points as agreed on in the local plan.