Warwick District Council denies the vote to scores of Rugby residents
The conservative-led Warwick District Council has denied scores of Rugby residents the ability to vote in this year's general election.
Over a thousand postal voters living in the southern parts of Rugby Borough (Dunchurch, Stretton & Ryton) failed to receive their postal votes in time. After protests from furious residents the District Council was finally stung into action and spent Saturday scurrying around delivering the late ballot papers.
One couple living in Thurlaston said "We had a postal vote because we were going away on holiday and wanted to vote for Richard Dickson. Unfortunately we had to leave before the postal vote forms arrived".
This latest failure by Warwick District Council comes after an earlier error when they printed the Labour logo on the ballot paper alongside the Liberal Democrat candidate's name for one of the wards in Kenilworth.
The conservatives are asking us to entrust the country's economy to their hands when they can't even organise the distribution of ballot papers for a general election.