Warwickshire’s tories’ plan for more homeless and more pressure on hospital A&E departments
The conservatives on Warwickshire County Council are planning a complex series of changes that will affect many of the most vulnerable groups in our society.
Overall they are planning to halve the amount of money which is currently spent on getting vulnerable people into suitable housing and helping them stay there.
They say "we will stop funding current services for people with a learning disability: mental ill health; physical impairment; sensory impairment". (See http://rugby.lib.dm/a6Zth for tory plans for school students with these challenges).
Their report acknowledges that withdrawing support "may result in increased pressure on other services such as housing, hospital accident and emergency services, GP surgeries and the criminal justice system". Rugby Borough Councillors, who will have to pick up the pieces when the county council quits, are being excluded from the discussions. Cllr Jerry Roodhouse has said there should be a full Council meeting on the proposals and no one should be excluded from taking part.
To read the Rugby Observer article on this proposal visit: http://rugbyobserver.co.uk/news/vulnerable-at-risk-as-council-debates-cutting-housing-services-6482/
To read the conservatives' proposals in full visit: