Why are some councillors more costly than others asks Sandison
At Rugby Council's cabinet meeting this Monday (29 June 2015) Cllr Neil Sandison (Lib Dem, Eastlands) was the only councillor to challenge the performance of the Council last year (see rugby.lib.dm/a5ZlV ).
Among the challenges he threw down were questions about the varying broadband costs incurred to provide a connection to different councillors last year . Liberal Democrat Bill Lewis (Rokeby & Overslade) had the least expensive broadband costs (£61.67) substantially less than the most expensive councillors: Labour's Jim Shera (£515.08) and the conservatives' Leigh Hunt (£323.76).
The answer Neil got "it all depends on the broadband supplier and the package provided" didn't really get to the heart of the matter - why does it cost the Council more to connect some councillors than others?
After this exchange the Cabinet finally agreed to bow before the weight of the law and publish the allowances and expenses incurred by councillors last year.