Young people at the heart of Lib Dem Budget

As part of Rugby Borough Council's Budget setting process, Rugby Liberal Democrats put forward four key priorities which includes a focus on supporting and engaging young people.
Rugby Liberal Democrats recommend that the Council's Budget focuses on:
- A three-year programme of supporting activities for young people.
- A one-off contribution to increase the climate change fund to establish a hub to support residents with climate change, healthy living and recycling.
- Support and increase opportunities for increasing apprenticeships and working with Warwickshire College to increase skills and training opportunities across Rugby.
- Bring forward proposals to support partnership working with the Community and Parish council sector.
Commenting, Group Leader Cllr Jerry Roodhouse (Paddox), said:
"Young people have suffered post Covid, and Rugby Borough Council must take the opportunity to listen to their ambitions and design local services for them. Targeted work has gone on, but this still leaves a big gap in mental health support along with local activities - we need to kickstart our work with young people again."
Deputy Group Leader, Cllr Tim Douglas (Paddox), added:
"Alongside our focus on a new youth offer we would introduce an advice shop for green products and healthy living making a hub for all residents. It would also support those businesses that are offering eco-friendly products and grassroots action for residents."
Liberal Democrats Amendment
Proposer: Jerry Roodhouse
Seconder: Tim Douglas
Proposed Final Resolution
(1) the Council's General Fund Capital budget for 2023/24 be as shown within Appendix 3 of the Budget Booklet 2023/24 (Appendix B) of the "Council Tax Determination 2023/24 report. With the following variations:
(2) the Council's General Fund Revenue budget for 2023/24 be as shown within Appendix 1 of the Budget Booklet (Appendix B) as part of the "Council Tax Determination 2023/24" report. With the following variations:
- A) A 3-year programme of developing and supporting diversion activities for young people also ensuring that the voice of young people from across the Borough helps to shape these activities. This should include close partnership working with existing youth organisations across the Borough. (£500,00)
- B) A one-off contribution to increase the climate change fund and look to establish in partnership a Climate Emergency Centre shop which should input from RBC and Warwickshire Councils recycling and waste teams, Act on Energy the repair café along with developing a community food shop including a healthy living hub. (£500,000)
- C) Utilisation of the business rates equalisation reserve using growth above the baseline in 2023/24 to fund the above initiatives (-£1,000,000)
Subject to the commencement of the above initiatives.
The Chief Executive is requested to bring forward reports on how the Council can support and increase opportunities for increasing apprenticeships at the Council and how we can work more closely with Warwickshire College to increase the training opportunities which address skill shortages such as around climate change mitigation.