Coventry NHS Trust lets Rugby down (21 Dec)
Last week all NHS trusts were struggling to ensure they met their target of seeing 95% of all accident and emergency (A&E) cases within four hours. But some trusts were failing more than others.
Last week all NHS trusts were struggling to ensure they met their target of seeing 95% of all accident and emergency (A&E) cases within four hours. But some trusts were failing more than others.
Following concerns raised by residents regarding aqua-planing created by traffic from trapped surface water at Whitehall Roundabout , your local Councillors contacted Warwickshire County Highways…
Santa Claus is staying in Rugby. Following earlier appearances at St Marie's and Rokeby Schools we believe Santa is heading to Oakfield Rec today (Saturday, 20 December 2014) and is expecting,…
All Green bin collections have been suspended until Monday 5 January 2015.
This week the House of Commons Select Committee on Communities and Local Government published its report on the National Planning Policy Framework. They agreed that the way Eric Pickles has phrased…
The Rugby Liberal Democrat website carried a report of Dunchurch Parish Council's extra-ordinary meeting on the Ashlawn Road development and its impact on the Dun Cow junction on 21 November 2014. We…
The number of people claiming job seekers allowance in Rugby fell by 81 to 574 in November. In Labour's last full month of government, April 2010, the number of people claiming job seekers allowance…
We understand Santa Claus visited Rokeby Primary's Christmas Fayre on Monday 8th December and will be visiting Rokeby Nursery and Reception classes today and St Marie's Infants tomorrow.
A brilliant report by BBC Midlands Today yesterday (15 December 2014) exposed the threat UKIP poses to the two million Britons who live and work elsewhere in Europe.
On Thursday 11 December Labour's leader, Ed Miliband, finally made a speech about how he would deal with the gap between public expenditure on the one hand and tax receipts on the other. All labour…