A letter to the Editors of The Rugby Advertiser and The Rugby Observer from Bill Lewis
Dear Sir,
Dear Sir,
Warwickshire County Council has 125 recycled computers to give away FREE to community groups, voluntary organisations and Parish Councils.
A local resident who is a temporary agency worker contacted me recently with a few questions on their employment rights.
The proposed plans for Whitehall Rec Include a skate park, a restoration of the bandstand, a new promenade and tree avenue, a play area, 'green' gym, a reflection area, and natural greenspace.
Alfred Green Close and Hibbert Close pavement and road are two areas now marked out for repairs thanks to Sue Roodhouse.
Healthwatch Warwickshire want to find out young people's (ages 13 - 25) experiences in booking an appointment to see their local Doctor or Nurse.
The future of Warwickshire's Children's Centres is due to be decided by the county council's Conservative Cabinet members on Thursday this week.
Bill Lewis inspecting the part complete repair of the BT chamber cover at Mellish Court .
Dale Keeling, Sue Roodhouse and Neil Sandison have concerns that a possible route will effect Rugby Golf Course and the Oxford Canal.
Your Lib Dem Councillors have been tackling many highway matters. Here are just a few of those we have reported and been informed that orders have been placed to get the repairs carried out.