Footpath Reconstruction - Ratliffe Road to Overslade Manor Drive
Bill Lewis first approached the County Council about the dangerous condition of this footpath in April 2012 after a complaint from a resident.
Bill Lewis first approached the County Council about the dangerous condition of this footpath in April 2012 after a complaint from a resident.
Both Rugby Borough Council Housing Department and Affinity Sutton carry out regular estate walks to make visual inspections of the external condition of their housing stock.
Eastlands Lib Dem Councillor, Dale Keeling writes, "Not that long ago I volunteered at a Youth Club which had one of the First Aid trained volunteers give a quick First Aid lesson, kids loved it! I…
Local residents living around this junction have expressed their concerns about the proposal to introduce traffic signals. It is suggested that Elms Drive would be left open, traffic queues would…
Eastlands Ward Lib Dem Councillor Neil Sandison states that fly tipping has escalated since the council closed the recycling bring sites at Ashlawn Cutting and Tescos. Fly tipping is of course…
Following a near miss to a young cyclist as they exited the play area onto Dewar Grove in Abbots Farm, your local Councillors took prompt action and contacted Rugby Borough Council's Parks Department.
Rugby Borough Council's Planning Committee is due to meet in January 2014 to decide whether to grant outline planning permission for this large scale development. If you wish to express a view,…
We are unhappy about some of the Transport and Highway proposals for this development for example three separate road junctions onto the site and no identified pedestrian or cycle route and no…